Festival De Músiques Disperses – Lleida, Spain

Dave Bixby most recently performed a solo musical set at the Festival De Músiques Disperses in Lleida, Spain on March 16th, 2024. It was a magical evening held at the Café del Teatre in the ancient Catalonian capital and an amazing experience for anyone present. We would like to thank the MUD Festival for hosting the event, Guerssen Records for making the appropriate connections and accommodations, and all the fans that attended and enjoyed the performance.

Driving over the bridge spanning the Colorado River, I made my way to Las Vegas, catching a flight to San Francisco. I caught Swiss Air from SF, 11 hours to Zurich. Then from Zurich, to Barcelona was an easy one hour and thirty minutes.  Since I carried all my belongings, I thankfully passed luggage pick up, and went out into the street. Juley, my taxi driver, jumped out of the crowd with a “DAVID BIXBY” sign. It was easy to spot me as I was carrying a guitar backpack.

I felt like a musical bigshot from the USA. The 1 ½ hour cab ride was my “jet lag” allowance. At 10:00 PM, we arrived at the B&B hotel located close to the music festival venue.

I got to my room all wired and tired, hit the bed, and then the phone rang. It was ten o’clock in the morning when Antoni called me from the lobby. I was late for our breakfast appointment. I scrambled to the elevator, and we got to meet in real time after 13 years of doing business together over email.

Antoni is the owner and CEO of Guerssen Records in Catalonia, Spain. They have been my label since 2011. The annual MUD festival in Lleida Spain sponsored me to perform at Antoni’s recommendation. We walked to the coffee shop and ordered some fresh brew.

The coffee shop was loud and echoey with many conversations going on at once. I looked around and no one was on a smart phone or any other electronic device. I realized, at that point, that I was not in the USA. Antoni and I bonded nicely, and our relationship has been fortified for many years to come. I went back to the hotel and slept. At 2:00 pm my phone rang, it was time to go to lunch with some of the Guerssen business team. They treated me to a fine restaurant, built in the 1500s and surrounded with Roman arches.

Alex, Carles, Antoni and I gathered around a table under one of the Roman arches, and I was immersed in history. Antoni asked if I had any food restrictions, and I boldly said I eat what’s in front of me!  We all read the menu and ordered four entrees to share, then the main course. Lunch took two hours and two bottles of wine for four people. The conversation flourished. The first dish before me was snails equipped with a wooden pick to dig them out of their home. Everyone helped themselves, as they grew up on snails like we eat chicken wings. So, I took a snail and a spear. I popped it into my mouth and chewed it up and choked it down. I was informed there was a part of the snail that must be removed before consumption.  I took another, and dissected the forbidden gismo, dipped it in much sauce which greatly improved my dining experience. I had the opportunity to get a tour of the Guerssen facility. I saw rows and rows of vinyl records, floor to ceiling, artists from all over the world. I was impressed.  Antoni dropped me off at the hotel for more sleep. 7:00 Pm was my stage sound check. They had a great sound system and were able to get a transformer for the right voltage to run my effect pedals.

Carles interpreted for me and introduced me to the audience in the Catalan language.

The stage lights went on and I was greeted with a warm and enthusiastic applause. I looked out over the large audience and started my first song, Transform your Dreams Into Reality.

Every song went well as I was ready for this moment. The audience gave me an extended round of applause when I ended the performance. I consider It a success. This is the first time I did not have stage fright.

              –  David Bixby

* Live Concert Photos by Laia Navarra

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